31 January 2005

"belt out your frustrations on..."

not about L I F E
Im not where to stay.. damnit. i hate commuting for HOURS, but i'm starting to hate being a loner.

Id rather place myself on making mistakes and getting shouted at rather than waiting for 3milyon years doing nothing.
and no, its not about L O V E

"my world is spinning round, inside my head tonight.
i have fall into the darkness, and i feel i would never see the light"

and no, its not about H E R! (F I F I)
id think about love and wait for a while (how ironic)...
but theres no more time
id rather be sure
why dont you become a MAN, and take risks
id rather hurt my self than hurt someone dear.
if realizations come too late, well, thats the RISK i have to take.